Sunday, April 22, 2012


In this world, there are pets, wild animals, and strays. Surprisingly, some people are cruel to their pets, whether it`s a dog, a cat, or a goldfish. They don`t care. Lot`s of people know about, "Crazy Cat Ladies" correct? Well, it`s not all that funny, it`s a serious matter. It`s called "Animal Hoarding", usually 2 or 3 pets is good enough! Some people can`t handle 1! So would they be able to handle 15 or so cats or dogs? I don`t think so. Some people don't usually TRY to put their pets in danger, it's their irresponsibility talking, people who leave glass, or garbage around the house when their pet's around, is a sign of cruelty for pets. Some people even shove their pets in kennels or cages so they can`t move around in it.


Sourse:  ASPCA

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